I've always been averse to taking any form of vaccines and medications. In fact, I didn't take Tylenol for over 25 years, okay maybe one pill every 5 years, because I don't believe in medication including herbal and home remedies. I never had the flu vaccine either. When my daughter got pregnant with my first granddaughter, she announced that all visitors are required to get DPT booster and some other shots, I told her I wouldn't take them and will forego visiting when the baby comes. Yes, I have vaccine and medicine phobia. Of course I had all the required vaccinations when I was a baby and up to a certain age, but I am not willing to get jabs today or ever. Borrowing from the left's mantra on abortion at will: MY BODY, MY CHOICE.
My refusal to take the Covid-19 vaccine has nothing at all to do with politics.
Now, why TDS on the title of this post. When I refused to have the experimental and unapproved by FDA Covid-19 vaccine, a person with severe Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) quickly accused me of being a Trumpist and started ranting and cursing Trump. Obviously, he is ill informed because President Trump has never been against the vaccine. In fact, a few month ago, President Trump advised all Americans to take the vaccine when it became available to the public. Take note that Trump never said people will be punished or pilloried if they refuse to take it. It was an ADVICE, NOT A COMMAND. Leftists and democrats obviously are not aware of this fact because mainstream media didn't discuss it long enough and so they remain uninformed about Trump, as always. Getting vaccinated for the Chinese flu is one thing that President Trump's voters are not happy with but we don't begrudge him for it. He has the freedom to give advice and we have the freedom to heed or ignore the advice. It is as simple as that. And so what if I am a "Trumpist"? I am proud to be one but unlike the left, we conservative do not BLINDLY OBEY and do what politicians tell us. We have our own free will. The left and democrats on the other hand do what they are told without question. That's the difference between conservatives and democrats. They are told to get the vaccine, and they are more than happy to be lab rats without giving any thoughts that it might harm them in the long run. And they want to impose their belief on us conservatives. Not going to happen.
My refusal to wear a mask, because I have a hard time breathing with a face gag and nearly fainted at the store, and my refusal getting the vaccine are my choice and as far as I know we Americans still have the freedom to refuse something that we do not believe in. I don't care if people wear a hundred masks forever and get vaccinated, just don't force them on me AND STOP MAKING IT POLITICAL BECAUSE IT IS NOT!!!
In my opinion a vaccine is needed for people with Stage 5 and severe TDS because these afflicted people think everything they see and hear 24/7/365 that don't agree with them is because of President Trump and right leaning American citizens who voted for him. They are perpetually angry and it is not good for their physical and mental health.
Here is a voice recording of an Internist, Cardiologist, and Epidemiologist Dr. McCullough warning on the danger of the Covid-19 vaccine. He testified to Senate Committee in November 2020. 20 deaths per month from the vaccine is disturbing. Is anybody willing to be part of statistics? Not me.