Friday, November 8, 2019

Endless Night by Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie, classics, mystery, thriller

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from goodreads
One of Agatha Christie’s personal favorites, Endless Night is a critically acclaimed classic crime thriller from the beloved queen of mystery.
When penniless Michael Rogers discovers the beautiful house at Gypsy’s Acre and then meets the heiress Ellie, it seems that all his dreams have come true at once. But he ignores an old woman’s warning of an ancient curse, and evil begins to stir in paradise. As Michael soon learns: Gypsy’s Acre is the place where fatal “accidents” happen.
I'm very disappointed with the books I read this year so I started reading old classics. Two Agatha Christie novels that I've never read before, Endless Night and And Then There Were None (Ten Little Indians) are both very good. I also watched the movie adaptations of both novels.

It's difficult to review Endless Night without revealing the plot but I assure you it's a great read and while the ending is not jaw-dropping it is satisfying and the novel is worth reading.

BTW, the title is from William Blake's poem Auguries of Innocence
Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born,

Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight.

Some are born to sweet delight,
Some are born to endless night

Highly recommended for Agatha Christie fans. 
Movie adaptation streaming on Amazon and Kanopy stars Hayley Mills. Star emoticonStar emoticonStar emoticon

I'm back after a 3-year absence from this blog. As of today, I have finished reading 66 books for this year, all fiction but 1. Half of them are not good at all. It's disheartening to read and rate UGLY my favorite authors' books specifically John le CarrĂ©'s Agent Running in the Field and Lee Child's Blue Moon (Jack Reacher).

IMHO, John le CarrĂ© wrote this novelette Agent Running in the Field to rant against President Trump and the US. I knew he always hated the USA but I didn't mind it in his old books. I remember one or two books with short sentences against the Bushes and the Republican Party. He is still my favorite spy novel author regardless. This new book, however, is filled with f-bombs, vitriol, and obscenities against President Trump and Putin. It's as though I was reading leftist rags and Twitter feed and not a spy novel. It also lacks his trademark wry humor. I finished until the end which is anticlimactic. Sad. 

I hope at his ripe old age of 87, he lets go of his hatred of the USA and writes new excellent spy novels. 

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