Showing posts with label teen dramedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teen dramedy. Show all posts

Friday, February 4, 2022

Through My Window

tags: dramedy, Netflix streaming, Spanish, teen romance

from IMDB
Raquel's longtime crush on her next-door neighbor turns into something more when he starts developing feelings for her, despite his family's objections.
When I was young, I watched a lot of High School rom-com movies, Molly Ringwald's Sixteen Candles is my all-time favorite. Pretty In Pink is okay too. This movie from Spain based on a Wattpad book has teenage romance and it reminds me a lot of Pretty In Pink. The similarities: the main female character Raquel has a single parent, a mother. Raquel has a male best friend, Yoshi, who is just like Duckie, always declaring his love for her and that they will eventually marry. But just like Andie, Raquel thinks she is in love with the neighbor, Ares. I was waiting for Yoshi to declare "His name is Ares? That is not a name! That's a major appliance! Or something similar. Ares is a wuss just like Blane although in this movie there is no Steff and his rich friends. The people who do not approve of Raquel are Ares's father and older brother. Rich snobby family, ordinary girl. Cliché much? Ah, and there's the prom too where she went alone. 

The script and acting are lame, IMHO. Too contrived and the boy Ares suddenly has a family sob story that makes him even more pathetic. The only difference from Pretty In Pink is there is a lot of teen sex in this movie plus some nudity.

Not recommended.