Showing posts with label reality show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reality show. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Love Village

tags: Becky, Japanese reality dating show, Netflix streaming
4 episodes every Tuesday, 30 - 35 minutes, total of 18 episodes

Becky has a new dating reality show to comment on. The dating show is for more mature unmarried people and those who have been married before looking for  a second or a third chance at love. The participants are all older than the usual romance seekers on reality TV, a version/mash-up of Terrace House and the Korean dating show Single's Inferno. The youngest is almost 40 and the oldest is 60.

The show is definitely different from other romance oriented reality shows. They help in renovating the old rundown house and grow vegetables in the garden to supplement their food allowance. The group is more open to sexual discussions because they are old and had more experience than shows with much younger people. The 2 oldest men had an argument early on which I've never seen in any Japanese reality shows. Japanese people are usually not prone to arguments.

At the end of the fourth episode the 2 oldest men left and were replaced by 2 40 year old men and one woman. There will be 5 women and 4 men next week. Interesting and addicting series, just like Terrace House and Love Wagon. Next 4 episodes will air on May 9.

BTW, Becky looks prettier and doesn't seem to age.

Friday, February 3, 2023

Physical: 100

tags: Korean, Netflix, reality show
One hundred contestants in top physical shape compete in a series of grueling challenges to claim the honor - and cash reward - as the last one standing. The reality show has 100 athletes, special forces soldiers, fitness influencers, MMA fighters, firefighters, mountain rescuers, cross fit trainers, models, dancers - all strong men and women compete against each other.
The first elimination of 50 contestants, one on one rugby-like fight for a round ball with mud wrestling and physical agility. I like that some women chose a man to challenge and so far 1 woman has already won against her male opponent. She's a real athlete unlike some sissy male American athletes using the transgender insanity to compete with women because they know they cannot win against a man. 
List of participants here.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Snowflake Mountain

tags: Netflix streaming, reality show

Sometimes reality shows are more entertaining to watch than mediocre and badly written TV shows and movies. 
Snowflake Mountain features a group of delicate, immature 20-somethings who party hard, can’t hold down jobs and still live with their parents. These “snowflakes” — which the show defines as young people who are “overly emotional, easily offended and dramatic” — are sent into the wilderness, in an effort to push them into growing up. There is $50,000 waiting for one of them at the end of the show.
Filming took place in Cumbria, UK, in the Lake District National Park, and some filmed at The Graythwaite Estate owned by a family, the Sandys, who have lived on the 5000 acre estate for over 500 years. 

I thought after watching the first episode that it is scripted but after the second episode, I find the show is real and I ended up watching the comple series. I've grown to like a few of them and my favorite snowflakes are American Deandra Joseph and British Liam Brown. Deandra and Liam seem very real, honest, and they are so hilarious and entertaining. 

Most of the snowflakes are in their early 20s, some are overweight, don't have permanent jobs, and lazy so their parents sent them to the reality show to help them grow up a little. They did at the end. I didn't expect to like the series but I did and now I'm looking forward to the new set of snowflakes if Netflix decides to have another season. 

BTW, the word snowflake is a term that the political right dubs leftists who are easily triggered and offended and melt easily at the slight provocation. However, the term has expanded to anyone who is overly emotional and dramatic and the snowflakes in the show are non-political. I recommend the series for its entertainment value.