Showing posts with label Come Armageddon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Come Armageddon. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2020

Come Armageddon

tags: faith, fantasy, sci-fi, Tathea book 2


from GoodReads

After half a millennium, Tathea prepares for the final battle

For five hundred years, Tathea has lain asleep, imprisoned in the forest. Once the Empress of Shinabar, she was pushed out of power when a coup took her husband’s life—a tragedy that led to a miracle. While roaming the wasteland, she learned of the unending battle between good and evil, and a book that could stop the demon Asmodeus forevermore.

It takes centuries, but at last the world is ready for the final battle—the Armageddon that will purge Tathea’s kingdom of evil. The coming of the war is marked by the birth of a child, Sadokhar, who will lead God’s armies into the fray. A battle is looming, and it’s up to Tathea to prepare Sadokhar for Armageddon.

The sequel to Tathea is much darker with wars going on and lives including the animal and plant kingdoms annihilated. Armageddon needs to happen while the devil is unprepared in order to finally defeat him and his minions. The novel is filled with symbolism and philosophy that seem to warn that removing God from people's lives creates wars, chaos,and desolation on earth and possibly beyond. There are great battles between good and evil in this novel. The conversation between Asmodeus and The Man of Holiness is fascinating.

The book was written in early 2000 and I find it a bit prophetic. Currently, worldwide, there are man-made forest fires, bio weapons created in labs, race related anarchy, looting and riots, pedophilia, satanism, etc. These will be man's undoing due to lack of faith and religion among the young and old alike.

The demon Asmodeus [he resembles a real evil person who finances violent riots around the world] to one of his Lords of the Undead:

"Get out! Go and prove your worth! Spread the corruption of tyranny, violence, greed, and oppression until Camassia also tears itself apart! You wanted Armageddon without waiting for me. So go and forge it then. Create it! Reap souls for me. Bring me the cruel, the cowardly, the betrayers, the deceivers, bring me the corrupt to the core!"